Report to Base Camp is for informational purposes only. The views and expressions provided here or thru any third party are that of their own and we hold no responsibility to the information that you translate, gather and interperate as your own.

The operator(s) of this website are only affiliated with the Report To Base Camp Discord server. We are not affiliated nor are we being compensated by PAbootcamp.com or any other website that we are not in control of. We are also not liable for the information provided directly thru any information, offerings or links provided directly thru the members from our Report To Base Camp Discord Server. At any time, we may enter into an agreement with Discord which will allow us to earn a compensation thru subscription memberships offered to creators thru Discord.

If at any time we begin to be affiliated with any third party or offering other than Discord, this site and page will be updated to reflect those changed.

Our site operator has personally experienced PAbootcamp.com and has attended their two day intense program and is highly recommending it to visitors of this website. Your experiences and views in attending PAbootcamp may or will differ. What you gain from the training will differ from others experiences and what you get out of it VS what you put into it is entirely up to you as results may vary.

This website only serves as an extension or as an additional resource to help maintain focus and motivation to assisting you in your film/tv career.

The views, expressions and opinions shared by others either directly from this website or via any third party sites such as Discord, are the views, expressions and opinions of their own and should not be translated or perceived as legal advice. As such, you are responsible to do your own due diligence and seek the advice of a legal professional or authority on the matter.

Report To Base Camp
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